Meet Thatcher’s fresh, new wallcovering: Late Spring

Designed by Thatcher Studio designer Lindsay Jordan Kretchun, our latest wallcovering says it with flowers. 

Called Late Spring, the pattern celebrates when flowers are in the most expressive and most delicate phase of their life cycle: that brief time of year at the end of spring, just before summer. 

Like Byzantine art, the pattern, reminiscent of pressed flowers, trades realism in favor of ornamental expression: the flower silhouette as an icon of the end of spring. 


Like any good bouquet, the card is equally as important. We leave you with a poem that inspired the design of Late Spring, celebrating rebirth and new beginnings: 


Coming into the high room again after years
after oceans and shadows of hills and the sounds of lies
after losses and feet on stairs

after looking and mistakes and forgetting
turning there thinking to find
no one except those I knew
finally I saw you
sitting in white
already waiting

you of whom I had heard
with my own ears since the beginning
for whom more than once
I have opened the door
believing you were not far

— W.S. Merwin, from his book The Rain in the Trees 




Lindsay Jordan Kretchun is a designer, illustrator and textile artist living and working in Portland, Ore. Drawing inspiration from folklore, dark humor, and texture, Lindsay ties together her love of material with the inherent storytelling quality and intimacy of the handmade.


Last but not least, awaken your spring fever with this playlist inspired by Late Spring and curated by Avery.

May 01, 2024 — Lindsay Kretchun